Indy Island - T-Shirt

Indy Islanders beat the summer heat with a fashionable Indy Island T-Shirt, available at the convention for only $15.95. Show your support for independent comics with this cool t-shirt, designed by Aaron Williams (Nodwick).


(upper left corner of shirt)


(covers the whole back of shirt)

Indy Island

Shirts are available in two colors:

  • black ink on light beach tan
  • black ink on faded island green
Shirts are available in five adult sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL.

You can email us if you'd like to order a shirt prior to the convention (or if you aren't going to the convention but still would like a shirt). Shirts are available via mail for $15.95 + $2.00 postage/handling and tax. Make checks or money orders for $17.95 per shirt payable to Cold Cut Distribution. Please specify color and size.