Indy Island - Participants

Publisher People Comics

Appearing for the Comic-Con and the Retailer Expo:

Cold Cut Distribution Mark Thompson & Tim Stroup & Matthew High
Cold Cut Bulletin
Cup O' Tea Studios Stephen Geigen-Miller & Greg Beettam
Xeno's Arrow
Dork Storm Press John Kovalic
Dork Tower
Dork Storm Press: Nodwick Aaron Williams
I Box Publishing Mark Oakley
Thieves & Kings

Appearing for the Comic-Con Only:

A. Silent Comics Douglas Paszkiewicz
Arsenic Lullaby
Box Office Poison Alex Robinson
Box Office Poison
G.T. Labs Jim Ottaviani
Two-Fisted Science / Dignifying Science
Lightspeed Press Carla Speed McNeil & Michael McNeil
Finder / Mystery Date
Olio Books Linda Medley
Castle Waiting

Appearing for the Retailer Expo Only:

FM Distribution Wayne Markley
FM catalog
Red Route Distribution Richard Davies
Red Route catalog